We receive many reviews, posts, comments and letters from our owners, sharing their own personal stories of how their Hyundai helped keep them safe. And there’s no testament more compelling than one told through an owner’s own words. So we decided a powerful owner letter was the perfect pairing with industry awards to tell our Hyundai safety story.


Every employee from design to quality control has one job: to help keep our owners safe. Yet, these employees rarely get to directly see the fruits of their labor―the many Hyundai owners that the very cars they built helped to protect. Likewise, though our owners send us letters, their words rarely reach the employees themselves. So we closed that loop. Even more powerful than the words of a crash survivor, are the words of a crash survivor read by the very employee who helped keep them safe.


“Still a Mom” earned over 14.5M total video views across YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter—outperforming video view goals by 500% on YouTube and 1,000% on Facebook; generated over 22K organic engagements, and is Hyundai's second most shared post on Facebook for 2020, right behind the “Smaht Pahk” Super Bowl spot which was named one of the 25 Best Ads of 2020 by Adweek. “Still a Mom” also delivered a 3% increase in brand favorability according to a Google brand study.